Andy Hollandbeck's Résumé
As human beings, we are defined and constantly changed by thousands of individual experiences. A resumé by definition reveals one's experience and credentials in only the broadest terms. Behind each of the professional positions outlined below are good days, bad days, frustrations, aggravations, joys, sorrows, disappointments, and successes.
You cannot know a man from his resumé; you can only know of him. This resumé gives you only a snapshot of me. The best way to find out who I really am and I what I can do for you is to get to know me personally.
And that starts with just an email.
Work History
Managing/Copy Editor — The Saturday Evening Post Society
January 2016–present
Copy editor for The Saturday Evening Post, Humpty Dumpty, and Jack and Jill since January 2016; added the title and responsibilities of managing editor for the Post in November 2016.
Writer, Editor, and Owner — Logophilius Editorial
July 2015–present
I offer freelance writing, copy editing, and other publishing services both for print and online. The business is founded on a love of the language and a belief that good writing is a team effort.
Copywriter — 5MetaCom
August 2014–July 2015
At 5MetaCom, I wrote, edited, and proofread copy for advertisements and marketing material for B2B businesses in the scientific and technical arena. I also managed the company Twitter feeds @5MetaCom and @PeoplePowrdBrnd.
Senior Creative — DigitalRelevance
April 2013–May 2014
At DigitalRelevance (formerly Slingshot SEO, and now just Relevance), I was part of a content marketing team that designed, researched, and created online content of all kinds for clients in various industries, including home heating, small business loans, and construction. I also wrote blog posts for their blog with an eye toward SEO and received internal blog-writing awards for my content. Many of my blog posts were also syndicated at Business2Community.com.
Web Content Editor — John Wiley & Sons
February 2007–April 2013
On the Wiley online team, I repurposed print content and wrote original content for Dummies.com and CliffsNotes.com. I also managed the CliffsNotes Twitter feed @CliffsNotes until the CliffsNotes property was sold to another publishing house.
The Wiley online team is where I got my grounding in SEO. We were publishing new content daily, constantly keeping an eye on the elements of SEO best practices for the time. I was also involved in website maintenance and the creation and publication of weekly and monthly email newsletters.
Proofreader/Copy Editor (freelance) — Demography
May 2002–November 2013
I began as a proofreader for Demography in 2002 and shifted to copy editing soon after. I copy edited various technical, jargon-filled articles (approximately six per issue) for this quarterly journal of the Population Association of America.
Copy Editor — John Wiley & Sons
July 2004–February 2007
Copy editing on the For Dummies technical publishing team involved maintaining simultaneous workflows for up to seven books, all at different stages of the publishing process. Although For Dummies style does follow consistent conventions, a new book almost always meant working with a new author who had his or her own personality and approach to writing. I had the opportunity to work with both first-time authors and established, experienced writers.
Proofreader/Quality Control Technician — John Wiley & Sons
October 2000–July 2004
In this position, I was in charge of proofreading (on paper and on screen) books from various John Wiley & Sons series, including For Dummies, CliffsNotes, Frommer's, and the Bible technical series. Proofreading so many technological how-to books helped me develop my understanding of and skills in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; VBA; HTML and CSS; and computing in general.
Proofreader — Howard W Sams/eCatalogs
December 1999–October 2000
For this position, I proofread catalogue entries against hard copies to verify accuracy, which was exactly as tedious as it sounds.
Other Writing Experience
I have published a weekly column on vocabulary and usage at Copyediting.com since September 2015.
Since 2007, I have been writing on the Logophilius blog about the topics that interest me most — words, writing, editing, and publishing.
In May 2013, I self-published Seasonal Work, a collection of short stories, at Smashwords.
I have also been published online at SaturdayEveningPost.com, Relevance.com, Dummies.com, Business2Community.com, Arrant Pedantry, and Landless.
Other Skills, Experience, and Affiliations
I am a member of the American Copy Editors Society (ACES).
I hosted a session about SEO at the ACES National Conference in 2014 and 2015.
I hosted a session about SEO at the Mixwest 2014 technological conference.
Professionally, some of my strong points are a logical mind, non-linear thinking, creative problem-solving, the ability to focus, and organizational skills. Personally, my strongest characteristic is an eagerness to learn new things, to expand myself.
Bachelor of Music — Ball State University — May 1997